The goal of FashioNXT Mask Design Competition is to build up the rising mask industry and bring premium attention to innovative mask designers, through the extensive influencer network of FashioNXT followers, media, and industry leaders. After evaluating the submission of samples, top designs and winners been featured here since Octorber 9th, 6pm.
2020 FashioNXT Mask Design Competition
Mask Design Competition Featured Designers
Buy your favorite masks at a silent auction (more featured masks available for auction). Auction-Phase 3 to end at 5pm, October 30th, 2020. Part of the Proceeds will go to OHSU (Oregon Health Science and University) COVID-19 Pandemic Response Fund.

Anna Bartoletti
Las Vegas, NV
Winner/People’s Choice Winner

Seattle, WA
1st Runner Up

Austin, TX
Second Runner-Up

Seattle, WA

Lizz Dot Kay
Portland, OR

San Francisco, CA

Gustavo Apiti Couture
Seattle, WA

Evelin Marsh STUDIO
Portland, OR

Portland, OR

Stone Crow Designs
Seattle, WA

Mondo Guerra
Fashion Designer, Project Runway Allstar Winner, NYC

Emmy Award Winner, KATU-TV Host, and iHeart Radio Portland Personality

Ken Boddie
Anchor,KOIN TV/Channel 6

Stephan Rabimov
Editor and Fashion Critic

How to Participate
Design Qualifications:
Choose any of your mask products which fall into the categories of
Fabric Mask
3D Printed
Face Shield
Any wearable face protective device
Designs will be judged on fashion forwardness, innovation/originality, function as well as digital presence — Website and social media. After initial judging, the top designs will be showcased in a Virtual Display of 2020 FashioNXT Week as well as an online auction in October where part of the proceeds will go to organization(s) helping public health.
To be qualified Participating designers must
– Upload high-quality images of three of their own original designs of masks
– Ship at least one mask from the submitted designs by postal mail*
– Pay the submission fee
* Must ship the new, unused samples in a clean package. It becomes the property of FashioNXT who may sell the samples. The product must reach FashioNXT no later than Oct 5th. See the shipping address in the application form.
Audition Submission fee:
Till Sept 24th: $25
Till Oct 6th: $40
Finalist Benefits
Virtual display of mask within 2020 FashioNXT Week in October
Inclusion in an online auction where part of the proceeds will go to organizations(s) helping public health
Feature on FashioNXT website-Year long exposure
Promotions through extensive FashioNXT social media and blog
Booth Discount of 25% for 2021 FashioNXT Week
Winners Prize Package
The winner of the competition will be rewarded with extensive recognition and prize benefits including:
Winner’s Certificate
Booth discount of 50% for 2021 FashioNXT Week
Exclusive media and social media promotions
Exclusive feature in FashioNXT Blog
Additional prizes to be announced