
FashioNXT creates innovative fashion experiences and the creative edge in lifestyle technology.

Seth Aaron-Feetz Collection

Solar World makes huge makes press splash with Seth Aaron at FashioNXT

Seth Aaron-Feetz Collection is the result of a fashion+tech collaboration created by FashioNXT. Project Runway and Project Runway Allstar winner Seth Aaron designed that was 3D Printed by the technology of Feetz.

Major Press of the Collection: Forbes, Footwear News, KOIN6/CBS



If you want to inquire to buy any of these styles please email here. Mention Brand Name, Gallery Name and the style. Brand owner will contact you, and be fully responsible for the transaction.

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Collaborators: Apparel: Seth Aaron  Shoes: Seth Aaron by Feetz, Production: FashioNXT

Collaborators: Videographer:         Editor:           Lighting:      Stylists:

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